Jones & Swanson

ArchiveYear: 2015

Cold Weather Driving Tips

Jones & Swanson has provided a list of winter driving safety tips, featured by the NHTSA. Keep these in mind while driving your vehicle this winter.

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Car Accident Deaths Increase 8.1% in 2015

For the first time in decades, the number of motor vehicle fatalities has risen in comparison to previous years. The first half of 2015 saw an 8.1 percent increase in auto accident deaths than the same period in 2014.

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Personal Injury Attorney Fees

Most personal injury law firms operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning no up front fees are required. Fore more information on the perks of contingent fee setups, visit

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Latest Food Recalls

Food recalls are becoming more and more common. The latest newsworthy recall involved Campbell’s SpaghettiOs Original canned soup. If you purchased cans included in the recall, full refund or exchanges will be offered.

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Don’t Wreck the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and with it, holiday parties. Unfortunately, these festivities often times lead to attendees driving drunk. We urge Georgians to stay safe this Thanksgiving and Christmas by planning ahead and avoiding intoxicated driving at all costs.

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