Jones & Swanson

CategoryPremises Liability

Roof Falls and Liability

If you’re considering hiring contractors to do work on your property, it is important to understand who might be liable in the event of a fall or other accident. Visit for more information.

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Personal Injury Attorney Fees

Most personal injury law firms operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning no up front fees are required. Fore more information on the perks of contingent fee setups, visit

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Elements of a Premises Liability Case

You may be able to seek damages for an injury caused on another person’s property. Read our blog to learn more about the key elements of building a strong premises liability case.

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Protect Yourself in the Event of Injury

Many Americans hesitate to involve an attorney in their troubles, regardless of how difficult a time they may be having. While it is true that some people look for ways to sue people, that doesn’t mean every situation is the same.

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Hiring an Injury Attorney

The decision to hire an attorney can be a very difficult one to make for many Georgians. It is our firm belief that if you are injured or lose a loved one because another person was negligent, that person should be held liable. These types of incidents can change a person’s life forever, so we urge you to seek legal counsel to lessen that burden.

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Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.