Driving is the ultimate test for multitasking. There’s a checklist of things to do before you begin driving and a list of items to pay attention to while driving. While you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle it’s important to watch the roadway and be alert for sudden actions of other drivers. Just doing this simple thing can help you avoid many car accident scenarios.
SIPDE is a five step process short for search, identify, predict, decide and execute. Being younger can mean you have quick reflexes, especially in comparison to elderly drivers. But being a good driver relies on more than good reflexes alone. You have to develop visual, decision-making and vehicle handling skills to fully become a safe driver. So let’s break down this SIPDE process and how it can help you avoid a car accident.
S- Search the road ahead and off to the sides of roadway areas, as this can help you plan your path of travel.
I- Identify objects or conditions ahead that could interfere with your path of travel. As you’re trying to identify important information as a driver, sometimes you have to do more than just look. Think about what you might be looking for, such as stalled cars, pedestrians, or even cars approaching behind you too quickly.
P- Predict what actions or changes could potentially occur. These changes could be due to weather conditions or other drivers in busy intersections – essentially any areas that could increase your level of risk for accidents. As you search the roadway and see the positions of vehicles and pedestrians, try to predict what you would do in certain circumstances.
D- Decide what action or actions to take ahead of time to reduce risk or try to control the potential situation. Once you have identified a potential threat, decide what is the best way to minimize the risk of collision.
E- Execute your decision. Probably the simplest and most straightforward step.
SPIDE can be a good reminder for young and new drivers. It can help us all to become smarter and more defensive drivers.
Starting Off With These Simple Tips Can Help Your Teen Realize The Importance Of Paying Attention While Behind The Wheel. They Will Also Be More Likely To Develop Safe Driving Habits, Lessening The Risk Of Being Involved In Auto Accidents. But In The Event You Or Your Teen Are The Unfortunate Victims Of An Auto Accident Caused By Another Person’s Distracted Driving, Jones & Swanson Is Here To Help. Give Us A Call At (770) 427-5498 or contact Us Online to Chat For Free.