As you are probably aware, one of the most common causes of death in the United States is traffic accidents. In 2012, the number of traffic fatalities reported in Georgia was 1,192. While that number is lower than reported in the four years prior, it is still disappointing.
Just this weekend, Georgia roadways saw multiple auto crashes that took the lives of passengers. A rear-end crash on Paper Mill Road in Marietta pushed a vehicle into oncoming traffic, leading to that vehicle overturning and being struck by a larger passenger truck. The driver of the rear-ended vehicle lost his life as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. At approximately the same time on Saturday afternoon, an Austell man lost his life after traveling northbound in southbound lanes of Hillcrest Drive. The other vehicle involved in this head-on collision had two adults and four children inside. Fortunately, their injuries were not life-threatening. Lastly, a 13 year old girl from Cumming was the passenger in a vehicle driven by her older sister when they were t-boned by another vehicle. Unfortunately, she lost her life as well. While metro-Atlanta roads are often sites of serious automobile crashes, this large amount of wrongful deaths in one weekend is unusual.
There are many different types of automobile crashes that occur on Georgia roads and highways. Some are more dangerous than others, but all can lead to significant injuries and even death. The three deadly crashes that occurred on Saturday involved a rear-end impact, head-on crash, vehicle rollover, and side-impact collision. These are some of the most dangerous types of vehicle crashes because they involve multiple vehicles. In comparison to single-vehicle crashes, those involving multiple automobiles usually involve more people, which run a higher risk of devastation due to injuries. Single vehicle crashes can be dangerous and life-threatening as well, but the more people involved typically leads to a higher possibility of injury.
The causes of Georgia traffic crashes vary, but some of the most common culprits include operating a vehicle while distracted, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or while drowsy. Reckless, aggressive, and careless driving is also a common cause of life-threatening vehicle crashes. In crashes caused by one of these culprits, the at-fault driver will typically be ticketed by police officers. This shows liability so that insurance companies and personal injury lawyers can determine who the defendant is in an auto accident injury claim. The amount of compensation awarded to the injured parties then depends on an assortment of factors. The damages incurred by the plaintiff, including monetary, physical, mental, and life-altering, will all serve in determining the appropriate amount of compensation paid by the party responsible for a crash.
If you or a loved one have been injured or wrongfully killed in a car crash caused by another party, you may have a legal claim for damages. At Jones & Swanson, we understand that you have suffered in ways that many others do not appreciate. We will provide a truthful opinion as to whether you have a legal claim, and if so, how you should proceed. For a free consultation, contact Attorney Andrew Jones at (770) 427-5498 or find helpful information online at www.awjlaw.com. The Georgia statute of limitations ends two years after the date of an incident, so call today.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident