There are numerous types of automobile accidents – from rear-end collisions to side-impact crashes. One of the most dangerous types of vehicle incidents that one could be involved in is that of a rollover.
Rollovers occur when a vehicle flips or rolls in a particularly violent nature. Compared to other types of crashes, rollovers can have a higher number of potential causes.
In 2009, there were over 5 million automobile crashes in the United States. Over 33,000 fatalities occurred as a result of those crashes. According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration, over half of all single-vehicle accident deaths are attributed to rollover accidents.
What Causes Rollover Accidents?
The most common cause of rollover accidents is driver behavior – according to the NHTSA, 90% of single-automobile rollover incidents involved routine maneuvering, so some other driver interaction must have caused the crash. These driver behaviors might include speeding, intoxication, or distraction while behind the wheel. Our ability to safely maneuver automobiles decreases significantly when partaking in any of those dangerous activities while driving.
Roadway conditions can be a contributor to vehicle rollover – wet or icy roads can lead to a driver losing control of their vehicle in a rollover. Also, debris in interstates or other lanes of travel can lead to rollover incidents when drivers swerve suddenly to miss an obstacle.
The type of vehicle is an important contributor to rollovers – while any automobile has the potential of rolling over, taller and narrower vehicles such as pickup trucks, SUVs, and vans with high centers of gravity have a higher risk of rolling over than smaller vehicles.
What Is So Dangerous About Sport Utility Vehicles?
Sport utility vehicles are extremely popular in the auto industry because they are not only stylish, but provide space as well. Auto manufacturers have made millions of dollars on these SUVs, so they will continue to be sold. In the race against competitors in the automotive industry, manufacturers sadly overlook defects in their products. Sport utility vehicles are designed in such a way that rolling over in a car accident is much more likely than in any other type of vehicle. SUVs are higher off the ground than other automobiles, so when the tires are not completely balanced the vehicles can rollover easily.
What Should I Do If I Have Been Involved In An Suv Rollover?
More than 10,000 people are killed annually due to SUV rollovers. This is a scary number. Auto manufacturers that do not appropriately design and test their products before selling them should be held accountable. If you or a loved one were involved in an SUV rollover that led to serious injury or death, contact Jones & Swanson. Our Marietta car accident attorneys provide free consultations. Call us today to find out if you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain, and suffering.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Personal Injury, Rollover Accidents, Wrongful Death