Jones & Swanson

Spinal Cord Injuries



Among the most serious types of accidents are those in which the spinal cord is damaged. The spinal cord is an extremely integral aspect to the structure of the entire human body. An injury in the wrong place can mean debilitating injuries that change the victim’s way of life forever. Whether direct or indirect impact caused the injury, an accident that is serious enough will actually cause part of the spinal cord to fracture. These fractured portions of the spinal cord can become lodged in the back and cause nerve damage. The upper region of the spinal cord, the neck, can very easily become injured in car accidents, for example. A spinal cord injury that causes damage to the muscles and nerves can leave a person without the ability to move their limbs in some cases.

All spinal cord injuries are classified by severity on a scale of A to E. Being a complete injury, A is the most severe. An E injury can have little to no effect on the individuals physical capabilities. Those who sustain these catastrophic injuries run the risk of symptoms such as incontinence, loss of muscle function, degeneration of the bones, and partial or complete paralysis below the injured area. Since the spine is divided into three major sections (cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral) injuries will differ depending on the area of trauma. If your spinal cord was injured in an accident and you were left with debilitating injuries, please seek professional legal help immediately.


If you were injured in an accident that caused you a spinal cord injury, we understand that your life may never be the same again. As if your injuries themselves weren’t enough reason to seek compensation, the fact that the rest of your life has been affected is added justification to file a personal injury claim. Find out more about our firm and how we can get you compensated by calling and speaking with a Kennesaw injury lawyer today.

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