As a Georgia resident, you know you can be pulled over for speeding, passing a stopped school bus, and running a stop sign or red light. But, did you know you can also be ticketed for going at or below the speed limit?
In 2014, Georgia passed what’s known as the “Slowpoke Law,” which prohibits drivers from driving too slow or lingering in the left lane on the highway if faster cars are approaching them, even if they are driving the posted speed limit.
Under O.C.G.A. Section 40-6-184(a), Georgia’s “Slowpoke Law” reads:
“No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation.”
A violation under Sec. 40-6-184, can add 3 points to your driving record, according to dds.georgia.gov.
Driving ‘Too Slow’ In The Passing Lane
O.C.G.A. Section 40-60184(c), explains that on roads, streets, or highways with at least two lanes that allow vehicles to move in the same direction, “no person shall continue to operate a motor vehicle in the passing lane once such person knows or should reasonably know that he or she is being overtaken in such lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed.” Basically, drivers should allow vehicles approaching from behind in the fast lane to pass when possible – staying in the passing lane unnecessarily can be considered against the law. While this may seem frustrating in some situations, we can never know when the vehicle approaching from behind is in a hurry due to an emergency situation.
Subsection (C) does not apply to the following situations:
- When it’s necessary to drive in the passing lane because of road or traffic conditions.
- When poor weather, hazards or obstructions make it necessary for the driver to be in the passing lane.
- When a Georgia law or an official traffic control device requires the slower driver to be in the passing lane.
- When the vehicle has to be driven in the passing lane to make a turn or to exit the highway.
- When the driver is traveling on a toll highway and needs to be in the passing lane to use a pass or pay a toll.
If you were in an accident because someone was driving too slowly, speeding, texting while driving, drunk driving, or due to another form of negligence, contact Jones & Swanson to meet with a Marietta car accident lawyer about filing a claim for compensation.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Bus Accidents, Car Accident, Georgia Laws