According to the most recent data from the Georgia Department of Public Health, there have been 29,660 confirmed Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, 1,306 ICU admissions, 5,614 hospitalizations, and 1,274 deaths in the State of Georgia. Of all of the COVID-19 cases reported to the Georgia Department of Public Health, Fulton, DeKalb, and Gwinnett counties have had the highest numbers of confirmed cases, which is right in our backyard.
At Jones & Swanson, we take the pandemic very seriously. As such, we have been proactive by taking steps to continue servicing our clients by practicing social distancing and working from home, at the same time following the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Georgia Department of Public Health, and other health officials. But we’ve gone beyond doing what we can to protect our clients and our staff, we’ve reached out to our local community to help ease the impact the virus has had on their families.
Supporting Our Community During the Pandemic
As the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening Georgians’ health and safety and in turn, having a significant and negative effect on our local economy, our team has made an effort to do what we can to help ease the burden on the residents of our community. We’re honored to have had the opportunity to involve our firm in the following outreach efforts:
MUST Ministries: The COVID-19 health crisis is impacting virtually everyone is some way or another, including people’s ability to put food on the table. If you or someone you know needs help providing meals for their children while the Cobb County schools are closed, they can seek support through MUST Ministries, an organization that Jones & Swanson has partnered with. To learn find a location near you, visit www.mustminisries.org.
Cobb Schools Foundation: For some children in Georgia, school closures mean they won’t be able to eat the breakfasts and lunches they depend on daily for nourishment. Fortunately, there are local organizations that have collaborated to help these children in need. If you’re able to donate, even a small amount, we ask you to join us by visiting https://bit.ly/2ULDCgr to find ways that you can make a difference.
Food Frenzy: Before the COVID-19 pandemic, over 785,000 people (as well as 1 in 5 children in Georgia) were struggling to feed themselves and their children. With the surge in unemployment, it added more economic strain, leading thousands of struggling, hardworking families, to the doors of the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
If you have the ability to help feed these families in need, it can make a huge difference in the lives of many of our neighbors. For every $1 raised, local food banks can distribute $8 of groceries to their community. This year was the 8th annual Legal Food Frenzy fundraising event, that Jones & Swanson was privileged to be a part of. To donate, click on the following link: https://www.classy.org/team/294890
Categories: Announcements, Community Outreach, Firm News, Health & Wellness