What is the most common accident to occur on Halloween?
Believe it or not, slip and falls are one of the most common ways people are injured on Halloween. It’s an exciting time for young and old so it’s easy to forget to be cautious. However, Jones & Swanson is here to give you safety tips that we hope will help.
A slip or trip and fall can result from various scenarios, some of which include:
- Wearing a long or cumbersome costume that’s difficult to walk in, creating a trip hazard. Sometimes the more comfortable option is best when trying to avoid an accident.
- While trick-or-treating, watch out for lawn decorations. These fun decorations are hard to see at night and can be overlooked if you aren’t expecting them.
- Uneven terrains such as grass, dirt and pavement can cause a fall. Be sure to stay on well-lit paths and bring a flashlight to better avoid hazards. Cell phones with a built-in flashlight – genius!
- Masks or other costume accessories that impair your vision should be worn with caution. Consider taking them off while walking from house to house.
- If you’re a parent, be extra vigilant of your children’s activities. It’s always best to be the one supervising them, as you know them best and will be more likely to take the job seriously.
Halloween slip and falls most commonly result in foot and ankle injuries. These types of injuries can include sprains, strains and fractures. Follow the above safety tips to enjoy a slip and fall-free Halloween.
If You Or A Loved One Experience A Halloween-related Slip And Fall call Jones & Swanson For A Free Consultation. You May Be Entitled To Compensation For Your Injuries. Our Dedicated And Experienced Legal Team Is Here To Help.
Categories: Halloween Safety, Personal Injury, Safety Tips, Slip and Fall