Jones & Swanson

CategoryBus Accidents

What Questions are Asked During a Personal Injury Deposition?

After an accident, the discovery process often involves a deposition of the injured victim. This is to gather information of the accident and your injuries that can later be used in a trial. Learn about the potential questions and how we can help you in your injury case.

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School Bus Safety Tips

Children are often educated of the safety procedures in place while riding a school bus, but parents should also educate them about safety tips to remember while walking to and waiting on the school bus. We have compiled a list of school bus stop safety precautions in an effort to prevent injuries.

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Recent Marietta School Bus Wrecks

Last month alone, two crashes involving school buses occurred in Marietta. Fortunately, these crashes caused no serious injuries. These types of crashes are often devastating because so many children are involved. It is important to teach your children safety tips for riding the school bus so that they are better protected in the event of a crash.

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Curbside Bus Dangers

Commercial transportation is popular all over the world. Unfortunately, one type of commercial transport, curbside buses, is much more dangerous than it should be. Here are the areas that pose threat to those using curbside buses for transportation.

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