Jones & Swanson

CategoryCommercial Accidents

Uber Researching Driverless Vehicles

As self-driving automobiles come closer to being a reality on Georgia roadways, many companies are investing in innovative technology to keep up. The popular car service Uber recently brought on creative minds to develop self-driving vehicles to include in their fleet.

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Taxi and Car Service Distracted Driving Dangers

While car services such as Uber and Lyft allow more people to avoid drunk driving situations, they may pose other dangers. Drivers of these types of car services may be forced to drive while distracted in order to make additional fares.

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“Move Over”: It’s the Law

The “Move Over” law exists in all 50 U.S. states. Unfortunately, few people actually understand what the law entails and why. For more information on this law, visit

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Helpful Videos from Georgia Injury Attorneys

Check out our new additions to our Video Center, including topics such as automobile insurance coverage, dog attack injury claims, social medial effects on injury claims, and more. Attorney Chase Swanson introduces himself in a detailed video as well.

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