Jones & Swanson

CategoryDog Bites

Preventing Dog Attacks: Tips to Teach Your Children

Surprisingly enough, most dog bites and attacks tend to involve young children. To prevent as many instances of dog attack injuries as possible, we’ve provided a list of things you may want to educate the children in your life on. It may make a big difference if they are ever faced with this type of scary situation.

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Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Georgians injured in an accident caused by another party’s negligence shouldn’t have to worry about insurance companies and recovery amounts. Hiring a personal injury attorney allows victims to concentrate on recovery while their case gets the best attention possible.

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Personal Injury Attorney Fees

Most personal injury law firms operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning no up front fees are required. Fore more information on the perks of contingent fee setups, visit

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