Jones & Swanson

CategoryAutomobile Recall

NHTSA Investigates Chrysler and Nissan Vehicles

As auto accident attorneys, we hear about car crashes that are caused by a variety of things. It is not always the fault of one driver or another, as some wrecks are caused by defective parts or manufacturing in a vehicle that is involved in the crash. These types of auto accidents should be investigated to determine whether the manufacturing company holds some responsibility for damages and injuries.

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Ford, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, and BMW Vehicle Recalls

Our personal injury attorneys represent victims of automobile accidents every day. Unfortunately, some of these crashes may have been caused by defective automobile parts. Large automobile manufacturing companies including Ford, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, and BMW have recently announced defects in numerous vehicles, which we think readers should be aware of.

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Protect Yourself in the Event of Injury

Many Americans hesitate to involve an attorney in their troubles, regardless of how difficult a time they may be having. While it is true that some people look for ways to sue people, that doesn’t mean every situation is the same.

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Hiring an Injury Attorney

The decision to hire an attorney can be a very difficult one to make for many Georgians. It is our firm belief that if you are injured or lose a loved one because another person was negligent, that person should be held liable. These types of incidents can change a person’s life forever, so we urge you to seek legal counsel to lessen that burden.

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All GM Recalls from 2014

The number of auto recalls from General Motors seems to grow weekly. These all stemmed from the original ignition switch defects that were discovered after many people lost their lives unnecessarily. Perhaps GM announcing these recalls early on will prevent this type of disaster from occurring again.

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